About Me

Hello, I’m Petrina

I coach women to transform their midlife stress into reinvention. I know the difficulty of navigating all the emotional, mental, and physical transitions that characterize this time. But I also know the beautiful opportunity the chaos offers for us to unfold into the women we’ve always wanted to be. And getting still long enough to become present with us, aware of our feelings, and carving out space to quiet the limiting beliefs creates the perfect opportunity for her to show up and remind us of our worth. The stress is not here to destroy us but serve us. While we’re looking for answers to what seems to be an endless list of problems, stress inspires us to ask the questions that elevate how we experience life, especially midlife.  

I learned this invaluable lesson from a panic attack and an ambulance ride to the emergency room.  I was unfulfilled in my career, burned out, and Covid-weary, so I resigned. I was also in hormonal hell due to perimenopause and was so exhausted most days that I struggled to get out of bed. I had to save myself, so I created a sacred space to reconnect with my humanity.  I became aware of my deepest needs, revisited dormant dreams and gifts, healed some old wounds, and regularly engaged as many senses as possible by enjoying nature, regular massages and spa lifestyle, and creativity to revive my spirit. My self-care became strategic. I was on a mission to curate an environment that didn’t just inspire transformation but ensured it.

 You can overcome fear and limiting beliefs, leverage stress to create a life of fulfillment, and fully engage your senses and gifts so you feel alive and become brilliantly clear on what you want… to GIVE! Even more than food or water, our core human need is to endow someone else’s life with more meaning, purpose, and power through our own life. But we first have to endow ourselves by building a foundation of well-being.

Hello, I’m Petrina

I coach midlife women – executives, entrepreneurs, and creators – to transform midlife crisis into reinvention. You’re a woman who is accustomed to re-engineering things in your favor. You’ve proven repeatedly that you can handle change, so transitions like menopause, divorce, or a new career are just the type of challenge you’re built for, even if you don’t believe it right now.

I had to learn it for myself a few years ago when I felt my weakest. My transformation began when I woke up one morning and unexpectedly had a panic attack for breakfast. It was so intense that I was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance because I believed I was having a heart attack. It was probably the most fear I’ve ever experienced. But instinctively I knew this was more about the source of the panic attack than the panic attack itself. At the time, I’d been working for nearly a decade at a job I didn’t love, burnout physically and emotionally, and unbeknownst to me, I was starting perimenopause. For several months leading to the panic attack, I was so exhausted, most days I didn’t have the energy to get out of bed. But after implementing some strategic lifestyle changes and regular self-care, I was amazed to learn that I’d been panicking in my spirit for years and that this panic attack was a panic alert that my life was dangerously out of order. In 2021 I got the courage to leave the job to become a health and wellbeing coach, focused particularly on helping midlife women reinvent their personal brands.

I know you’re stressed, overwhelmed, and exhausted, but I assure you this is the season of your brilliance where you overcome fear, leverage the stress, and fully engage those sleeping gifts to clarify what you want…to GIVE!

Client Journey

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Ann Doe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Jenna Smith

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Ann Stevens

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